About Me

Just a small town girl, living in a lonely world.-Journey I love music and I love books. Oh, and I have the greatest friends ever. :)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Long time, no see...

My last post was on July 21. What's up with that?? Oh well. I'll just have to fill everyone in on what has happened in my life since then..
I got cut from my volleyball team.. I love volleyball. A LOT! But oh well. I guess I just wasn't good enough for them. So now I have gotten fatter and have had to go shopping of course, but it wasn't as good as I wanted it to be.
All summer, I had "Monday Pow-Wows" with my best friend, Kate, and our brothers. We would go out to eat or make something for lunch. It was awesome. Once school started, I would go to her house on Tuesdays to watch Glee after our musical rehearsal. We also went to Cedar Point the weekend before school started. Between that and spending a weekend at the lake with her, I have definitely had the best summer ever.
While at the lake, I met a guy. Her cousin actually. He goes to my school, but I never realized how I liked him until that weekend. Apparently he left little flirty hints that he might like me, but I guess I didn't notice. Nobody even told me about it until after the weekend and I had already been acting like a total guy in front of him. Oh well. He knows the real me. I really liked him for a few weeks until all of a sudden, he wouldn't text me anymore, he wouldn't say hi to me, he wouldn't even make eye contact.. Was there something I did wrong? I didn't think so. We had connected on just about everything. We liked the same sports teams, liked the same movies, plus, he made me laugh. I don't know..
Oh well.. I guess I can always find another guy, but where? I have tried to find guys, and tried to talk to guys, but they never want to, or they are already talking to another girl. I guess what I'm trying to say (without being desperate) I NEED A BOYFRIEND!!!! It has been over a year since I have dated someone.
Well now that I have vented to everyone, leave a comment and tell me what you think.. (:

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